Digital Marketing Insights

Quick Tips to Get Your Landing Page Design Right

So you’ve planned the perfect digital marketing strategy. Placed the right ads on the right sites and got your target audience to click them. And now they’re on the landing page. Your company’s first interface they see. But what next? How to make this first impression the best one? How to design a landing page that makes it easy, convenient and worthwhile for your customers to follow the call-to-action? Here are a few quick tips and must-haves for your landing page design!


Make sure your landing page clearly emphasizes your brand. The colours and look and feel of the landing page should be such that your customers can easily associate them with your brand.

Contact number

There should be an easily visible contact number that customers can immediately call for assistance if they face any problem while following the call-to-action. This ensures that customers do not leave the page before completing what the call-to-action demands.


Customers will more often than not always trust other customers more than you. It is thus a good idea to include customer testimonials and success stories on your landing page.

Initial stage motivation

It is always the first step of a journey that is the most tedious. Make this first step extremely easy and interesting for your customers. Get them started first and then let them proceed the way they want to.

Screen profiles to find the right target

It is important to make sure that your digital marketing strategy is attracting the right kind of profiles. Let your landing page have a form that customers fill before they can avail of your offer like a free trail/consultation/download, etc. This way you can screen the targeted customers to validate or modify your strategy if required.

Compelling call-to-action

Have a very clear and easy-to-understand call-to-action. Don’t confuse your customers with complex messages or they will leave the landing page and add nothing but a high bounce rate to your search engine marketing efforts.

Showcase achievements

The landing page should have a section that showcases any awards or recognitions you have won. Third-party validation increases the credibility of your brand and your customers are more likely to trust you enough to follow your call-to-action and prefer you over competitor brands that do not showcase such external recognition.

Interesting headline and body copy

Include an attention-grabbing headline and crisp, concise body copy. Preferably use bullet points in the copy and keep the words to a minimum. Too much text will drive away your customers and try their patience.


Keywords are an integral part of a sound digital marketing strategy. The text on your landing page should include keywords and phrases for which you carry our search engine optimization. This will give you better results from your online marketing strategy.

Information and answers

The landing page should ease the decision-making process for customers by having a section that proactively addresses customers’ most common questions like ‘Why your brand?’, ‘What is unique about you?’, ‘What makes you the perfect solution to their needs’, etc.

A landing page that incorporates these elements is very likely to drive the right kind of traffic to your website and generate relevant leads that prove to be beneficial for your business.