Digital Marketing Insights

Tips to Effectively use Social media for Recruitment

For companies, it is always about finding the right candidate for the right job. With the advent of social media, it has never been easier for companies to achieve this objective. Recruiters today are spending more time on social networking websites such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn than on telephone calls to recruit talent.

More than half the companies present on social media; generally fail to have a social media strategy. These companies face the risk of ignoring an increasingly dynamic and expanding audience. As reported on Mashable, recent social media statistics show that more than 60 percent of adults are connected to one or more social networks, while 23 percent of their time online is spent on social networking activities. This makes it very important for companies that do not use social media to recruit; to take a plunge into the space.

The following tips should be kept in mind by a company that is trying to recruit online:

Have you ever recruited using social media? Would you consider using social media platforms to look for a new job or a switch? Can recruitment be the focus and objective of a digital marketing strategy? Do share your thoughts and opinions!