Digital Marketing Insights

Has your digital marketing strategy tapped the Twitterverse yet?

If you haven’t been tweeting away for your business yet, you might be missing out on a major opportunity.  Twitter, a micro-blogging platform that lets you express yourself in 140 characters is proving to be very important to businesses that are employing it for a variety of business processes like recruitment, PR, customer-service, etc. Not just the big corporations like Dell and Comcast, but also small businesses like coffee shops, and stationery providers are using Twitter to do business more effectively. The ‘Twitter for Business’ is a compilation of case studies of 11 companies which have used Twitter to do business better. Do take a look. Who knows; you could probably do the same for your business too!

Twitter lets you individually connect with your customers/followers and respond to each of their queries. It allows for a more personal level of interaction and the customers/clients can immediately retweet your support response to their followers on Twitter. This increases brand visibility and also betters the probability of generating better and genuine business leads that can be converted to add value.

Does your social media agency leverage the benefits of Twitter for you? Or do you prefer to tweet about your business yourself? Have you experienced a difference after using Twitter? If you haven’t and would like to, Ethinos Digital Marketing can guide you about your social media optimization.

Marketer, Maven, Mentor. 3 Ms that define Siddharth Hegde, a.k.a. Sidd, Managing Director of the effervescent and ebullient Digital Marketing Agency, Ethinos. He tucks in over 18 years of sales & marketing experience under his belt, gathered from Fortune 500 and other inspiring companies that he has worked with. Sidd is a technology zealot since almost two decades, keenly tracking the interplay between technology, design, and usability across products and services. He brings to the table an industry understanding & background in digital strategy formulation & implementation. In his free time, he enjoys sailing, scuba diving, white water rafting, trekking, and seeking out the outdoors.